Citizen Kino #82


Asymmetrical Media and the 20th anniv. of Indymedia. Film Clips and discussion on English und German, mixes). C-Kino is a live public media + situational cinema seriesIn this episode we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Indymedia platform, one of the first "open publishing" websites which launched in 1999 with the protests against the WTO in Seattle. This became a new model for online community media, and developed as a communications tool for a “network of resistance" against both corporate and state controls.
The inspired vision for these alternative channels came, not from Silicon Valley nor techies, but from the struggles for indigenous autonomy and the Zapatista movement/strategies, which had to reckon with the complexities of asymmetrical power in a mass mediated world.
Today, the net has mostly become a treacherous terrain of predatory surveillance capitalism ( Zuboff ), data-mining, spying, disinformation, distraction, disembodied confusion and zombiedom, gamification and a deluge of spectacular virtual abstractions.
We take as our starting point April Glaser's astute article for Logic magazine ( issue 8, August ) to critically assess "Is Another Network Possible" now ?


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