Open-air Cinema discussion: “La mort de Guillem”


From 19h: bar and soli-KüfA.
19.30h – 21.15h: presentation and projection ofLa mort de Guillem” (OV Catalan with English subtitles).
21.20h – 22. 30h: livestream discussion with Betlem Agulló, Guilem’s sister, Carlos Marqués-Marcet, director of "La mort de Guillem" and Núria Cadenes, writer of "Guillem". Translation available.Guillem Agulló, an 18-year-old antifascist and member of the Catalan pro-independence left, is stabbed in the heart by a group of neo-Nazis in 1993. His devastated family will fight against the media and political manipulation of his death and to honor his memory - a memory that will become a symbol for a whole generation of young antifascists. Who was Guillem? Was the trial of his murderer a sham? How did his murder transform antifascist activism? Does the extreme right continue to act with impunity in Spain?


 Organizers: Solidaridad Antirrepresiva, North East Antifa (Berlin) and CDR Berlin


Freilichtbühne Weißensee (Große Seestr. 9)
Große Seestr. 9
13086 Berlin