Anarchist Dinner 20.5 , 19:30 - Mediterranen Meze & Screening of ''Tendopoly''


🫒 Anarchist Dinner 20.5 , 19:30  -  Mediterranen Meze & Screening of ''Tendopoly''  

There will be online connection with one person from the collective after screening and for questions and discussion. 
Tendopoly is a miniseries produced by the Campagne in lotta. Campagne in lotta is a solidarity network that in the last 12 years has been supporting the struggle of migrants agricultural workers in different part of Italy (Puglia, Calabria, Piemonte and more) in their fight for documents, work and houses. 

Description of the miniseries:
Invisible, slaves, victims, gangmasters... these are the terms most often used to talk about immigrant farm labourers. For years now, hundreds of images of men and women bent over the fields have entered our collective imagination; everyone has expressed an opinion about them and many have profited from their situation. "The tomato slaves", "the invisible army", "women in chains"... people who are silenced, because there is always a trade union delegate, a champion of justice or a charitable volunteer to speak for them. And when given a voice, it is only to make a spectacle of the inhuman conditions in which they live and work, almost never to highlight their claims. Yet for over ten years, all over Italy those who live and work those lands have self-organised powerful mobilisations. They demand documents for all, houses, fair contracts; they point their finger at those directly responsible for exploitation and racism, they do not let anyone fool them. They create networks of solidarity and break isolation and marginalisation.
Despite this, or perhaps because of this, it is their struggle that actually remains invisible. 
That's why we present 'Tendopoly': a miniseries of 7 episodes made with anger and love, to overturn the mainstream narrative on labour exploitation, ghettos, the role of the third sector, immigration laws, the condition of women, and much more... from the point of view of the protagonists of these struggles.

Donation will go for the collective campaign. 
Movie will be in Italian with English subtitles. 

Location: NewYorck Bethanien (Mariannenplatz 2A, Kreuzberg)


New Yorck im Bethanien
Mariannenplatz 2A
10997 Berlin

Die Räume liegen im ersten Stock und sind über eine Treppe zu erreichen. Ein Fahrstuhl ist über einen anderen Gebäudeteil auch nutzbar, aber leider nur in Begleitung von einer Person aus dem Haus. Räume und WC sind barrierearm.