
Mo., 20. Mai 2024

Rote Insel - Ort:

Rote Insel
Mansteinstr. 10, near S1 / U7 Yorckstrasse

Bist du gelangweilt von Netflix und sehnst dich nach Zerstreuung? Komm am Montag zum Spieleabend in Schöneberg, anstatt faul eine Tiefkühlpizza zu essen.
Kneipe/Café, Essen

Di., 21. Mai 2024

FLINTA* Rebel Rats - Ort:

Mareschstr. 1
12055 Berlin

We're a small group raising money to support queer/FLINTA*projects, workshops, actions, and parties. Right now we are financing a collective FLINTA* workshop and repair café. To keep our work non-commercial and open to all regardless of income, we rely on soli events.
Kneipe/Café, Diskussion/Vortrag, Essen - queer, vegan
FLINTA* Rebel Rats - Ort:

Mareschstr. 1
12055 Berlin

We're a small group raising money to support queer/FLINTA*projects, workshops, actions, and parties. Right now we are financing a collective FLINTA* workshop and repair café. To keep our work non-commercial and open to all regardless of income, we rely on soli events.
Kneipe/Café, Diskussion/Vortrag, Essen - queer, vegan
FLINTA* Rebel Rats - Ort:

Mareschstr. 1
12055 Berlin

We're a small group raising money to support queer/FLINTA*projects, workshops, actions, and parties. Right now we are financing a collective FLINTA* workshop and repair café. To keep our work non-commercial and open to all regardless of income, we rely on soli events.
Kneipe/Café, Diskussion/Vortrag, Essen - queer, vegan

Mo., 27. Mai 2024

Rote Insel - Ort:

Rote Insel
Mansteinstr. 10, near S1 / U7 Yorckstrasse

Bist du gelangweilt von Netflix und sehnst dich nach Zerstreuung? Komm am Montag zum Spieleabend in Schöneberg, anstatt faul eine Tiefkühlpizza zu essen.
Kneipe/Café, Essen